Everyone's heard it before and, for those of us who've lost weight, many of us can remember the time when we realized that our weight had crept up to a point where we could no longer shop at our favorite stores like we wanted to. Having always been overweight throughout middle school and high school, I definitely stressed out about store choices when I'd go out shopping with the girls and we'd get to stores like JCrew, H&M, and Forever 21. All stores I loved, but had trouble fitting into some or all of their clothes. I remember walking in and thinking to myself, Well, I can only look at *shirts* or dresses here because there's no way they'll have anything to fit my bottom half...
Gap jeans became my staple, not necessarily because I love them (which I still do), but because it was one of the only stores where I could consistently find jeans to fit my shape and I knew they had my trusty size 16Rs in stock.
When I came to France in 2008, I didn't even bother ever trying on a pair of pants at a store here because I just knew it wouldn't work, so I stuck to dresses and tops and relied on my Gap jeans from home.
Now that I've lost a few sizes in my trusty label, I've finally started to come to terms with the fact that I am actually smaller. I've even been known to buy things in a size small on occasion if it's the fit I'm looking for. That said, I was still too intimidated to try on any pants. I have a friend who's my size here who has loads of cute jeans and pants that she's purchased here and France, but still I was too afraid to try any on. I thought that if I tried and STILL couldn't fit into them like that'd make my weight loss somehow less, so I stayed content with buying smaller jeans at Gap and even snagging this skirt in a size 6 (?!?!) at JCrew over Christmas:
ANYWAY, all this backstory to bring to you to the other day. I had a few hours to kill and I was having a good day and was feeling really good about myself and my appearance after this solid week of goal-keeping, so I decided to spend some solo time in H&M. Even if I have never tried on a pair of pants at H&M, it's always been a favorite store for absolutely EVERYTHING else.
While browsing, I stumbled across the khakis my friend has and decided What the heck! and grabbed a 40 (US 10) and a 42 (US 12, according to the label) and decided to try them on. Don't have any photos from that, but the 40's fit perfectly... Well, actually a even a bit big in the waist. Leaving the dressing room, I felt good! I can by pants here now! I looked to my left and what did I see? ...The jeans section.
Since I was by myself and feeling empowered, I again thought What the heck! and started to read the sign about the different fits. After ruling out the "taille super basse" (ultra low rise) and "slim" cuts, I found a boot cut and started to look for the largest size. I grabbed a 33x34 off the rack and crept back to the dressing room. Before trying them on, I even gave myself a pep talk: Even if these don't fit, don't get down, you've come SO far and feel SO different than you did 2 years ago. If these don't fit, we just need more time to get where we want to be... And then I slipped on the jeans:
Way too long, but I GOT THEM ON!
And then... I went out and grabbed a 32x32.
Sure, I can't wear absolutely EVERYTHING I'd like to wear some day and I can't leave my house and just run a marathon, but days like this that show me that I can get there and that I am making really memorable progress. Now, I just need to keep on going and, if I do, hopefully one day there will be more jeans (and maybe even a marathon) in my future.