Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Workout DVDs


So, fellow bloggers... Aside from P90X (which I can't afford right now), does anyone know of any good workout DVDs that I could get? I need something to do indoors since it's going to be pouring rain allllllll week. Ick!


Lynz said...

30 day shred with Jillian Michaels is pretty good. I think Walmart carries it.. I believe it is under $20. I started with that when I started running, I didn't complete the whole thing. However it did get me up and moving and was a workout. I just didn't think it was enough hence the upgrade to p90x.

Lynz said...

Also... check craigslist and ebay for p90x... amazon also has it cheaper than through the company that makes it. Craigslist though is about the best place to look. People try it and often give up... I think they kind of over commit. You can't go from doing absolutely nothing for several years to the p90x. You won't be very successful.

Kate said...

Wow, Lynz said exactly what I was going to: the shred, and check ebay for p90x.

Lynz said...

Great minds think alike ;-)

Nicky @ Eat, Run, Read said...

Good idea! I just found it on ebay for around $50--That might just have to happen.

PS- Hi Kate! :)